The Land grabbers's antics and their consequences: The case of Gbalegi, Olokuta, and Aponmu in Idanre Local Government By Charles Oladipo Akinde
The recent violence or call it communal clash which resulted in the loss of many lives at Gbalegi in Idanre Local Government, Ondo State is a matter of concern. Similar cases that are developing at other areas like Olokuta, and Aponmu in Idanre Local Government area of Ondo State should not be seen as a case of land dispute between Akure and Idanre which have been with us for centuries. The cases which are in the the highest Courts of Nigeria should ordinarily not require violence to claim lands in dispute. Also since there is a clear boundary between Idanre Local Government and Akure Local government, the case should be tackled at government level and not community level since there are abundant documents on both sides on this issue. That is why we should not just see the incident as a simple land dispute between Akure and Idanre.
The other view of it is the case of land grabbing which is ravaging communities all over the world today. Understanding the antics of Land grabbing will enable us to place the incident in a proper perspective. Land grabbing as we know it is an unethical and illegal acquisition of land by powerful individuals, corporations, or even governments. The land grabbers use tactics ranging from manipulation of legal loopholes to outright intimidation and violence to seize land from its rightful owners. The common methods of land grabbers include::
1. Forged Documents: They produce fake title deeds or manipulate existing records to claim ownership of land.
2. Exploitation of Legal Loopholes: Land grabbers take advantage of weak land registration systems or ambiguous property laws.
3. Bribery and Corruption: In some cases officials are bribed to ignore irregularities, fast-track approvals, or silence opposition.
4. Intimidation and use of force: Landowners, especially those from rural or indigenous communities, are threatened, harassed, or forcibly evicted.
5. False Development Promises: In some cases, they convince communities to give up land with promises of jobs, schools, or infrastructure, which are never delivered. Land grabbers also use political influence to achieve their aims, for instance, wealthy and influential individuals often can use their political or social connections and positions to gain control of land. They may lobby for policy changes or influence decisions to suit their interests.
These acts of land grabbers have dire consequences on the affected communities such as displacement of families that are forcibly evicted, leading to homelessness and loss of their livelihoods. They also create environmental damage by exploiting resources unsustainably, causing deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity. Very often communities fight back against land grabbers leading to violent confrontations therefore causing social unrest.
Because land grabbers have no respect for anything except their selfish interests, sacred lands, cultural sites, are sometimes desecrated thereby destroying traditional ways of life of the affected people.
There are resistance against land grabbers all over the world forcing affected communities to fight back. Grassroots movements are formed, and prolonged legal battles, have become key tools in resisting land grabbers; but media exposure and social media campaigns also play a crucial role in holding culprits accountable.
However, the battle against land grabbing is far from over. It requires stronger legal frameworks, enforcement of land rights to protect vulnerable communities and ensure justice. To address the problem of land grabbing, the government must take proactive measures, such as strengthening land laws and ensuring their effective enforcement. Also addressing corruption and holding perpetrators of land grabbing accountable for illegal land acquisitions.
Land grabbing is a grave issue that often disturbs the peace of a community and region because it undermines social justice, economic development, and environmental sustainability. The antics of land grabbers, driven by greed and exploitation, have devastating consequences for communities where it occurs. To combat this menace, concerted efforts are needed from governments, civil society, and individuals to protect land rights, enforce the rule of law, and promote equitable and sustainable land use. Only through collective action can we safeguard the rights and livelihoods of those most affected by this unjust practice. In that case we will avoid the kind of incident of violence and conflict that occurred in Gbalegi recently.
Charles Oladipo Akinde PhD The Osore of Idanre Kingdom. January 20, 2025.
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